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Animal Sightings

As you all know we have woods surrounding some areas of our community which means we have wildlife living in them. With new construction removing some of the trees in the area, we are seeing more and more of that wildlife roaming around our properties. Has anyone spotted the raccoon sniffing around your trashcan or a cute bunny running through your backyard? I know I have. I've also spotted a deer and recently your neighbors have spotted a couple of coyotes which can be dangerous if you have small animals that roam outside. Please be aware of your surrounding when you are out and about especially when it is still dark outside and try not to leave your pets unattended. 

Check the drains...

With the fall weather coming, please help keep the drains clear of leaves to  avoid flooding.


If you see a problem area, and you are unable to help, please reach out to your neighbors. We are all in this together.

© 1984 - Present by Aldea Glen Homeowners Association: All Rights Reserved 

(UBI) is 601-412-012   / Date of incorporation is 10/24/1984. 


The Association is a Nonprofit Corporation registered with the Corporations Division of the Office of the

Secretary of State in Washington. The Association is regulated by Labor & Industries Manufactured Homes, 

Permits & Inspections; (CFR 3282)  – Manufactured Home Procedural and Enforcement Regulations;

Chapter 64.38 RCW, Homeowners Association; Chapter 24.03A RCW Washington Nonprofit Corporation Act;

and Senate Bill 5011


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